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Inicio - HELICÓPTEROS - Helicópteros - Elétricos

Mini Helicóptero 911 2.4G 4-CH RTF Micro Helicotper (Blue & White) - WL Toys

Código do produto: 0 Referência do produto: 0

Por apenas: R$759,00 à Vista!


Mini Helicóptero 911 2.4G 4-CH RTF Micro Helicotper (Blue & White)

  • Truly released 4 channels of all-around flight mini helicopter.
  • Indoor smooth flight, wireless remote control, helicopter can realize the rise and fall, forward, backward, fly the left & right side,  hovering action, accurate positioning, etc.
  • Lithium rechargeable  battery configuration can realize longer flight.
  • There are 2 ways to recharge the battery, by remote control or USB cable.
  • Can fine tune the helicopter flying state in order to achieve better flight results.n support at least 12 minutes continuous flying. The transmitter of V911 is compatible with that of Align 100S.
  • Battery: 1 cell 3.7V 120mAh li-po rechargeable battery
  • Weight: 32g (Battery Included)
  • Rotor Diameter: 192mm
  • Tail Rotor Diameter: 36mm
  • Length: 220mm
  • Height: 82mm
Package includes:
  • 1 x 2.4G WL V911 Helicopter (Blue & White)
  • 1 x 3.7V 120mAh Li-Po Battery
  • 1 x 2.4G Transmitter with LCD Display
  • 1 x USB Charging Cable
  • 1 x Dual Battery Charger
  • 1 x English Menu



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